平時都是買chicken breast或chicken thigh, 第一次買Maryland做菜, 比烤全雞方便, 而且P很喜歡, 以後會再買來做其他菜式呢.
醃料用上香氣噗鼻的意大利乾菌porcini, 簡單但很特別. Porcini用攪拌機打至粉狀, 加上鹽和黑椒, 將整個雞肶塗滿醃料, 記得雞皮底下都要塗呀! |
另外還浸了一些porcini做忌廉菌汁. |
浸了整天的乾菌, 充滿香味的菇水就是醬汁的精華! |
晚餐怎能夠沒有蔬菜呢? 用了半個椰菜花做cauliflower puree, 感覺上比薯蓉更健康! 其實除了cauliflower puree之外, 都可以將椰菜花放在攪拌機打碎, 做cauliflower couscous, 之前試過, 但"米飯班主"不太喜歡, 所以都沒再做了. |
Pan fired Maryland with cauliflower puree in creamy porcini sauce. 雞肶兩邊都煎至金黃後, 便放入焗爐焗熟. 這時候將菇水和忌廉倒在煎過雞的鑊中煮成醬汁. 禮成! P不斷嚷著要吃晚餐, 所以求其影了這張便要開飯了. 其實很多菇類和雞的味道都很配, 除了常用的冬菇和磨菇外, 都可以試一試這意大利乾菌呀! |
P acted like a kid before dinner, hahaha...you seldom cook Chinese dishes for him?
回覆刪除He is a big kid :)
刪除I can only make some simple chinese dishes, it's hard to buy chinese ingredients in Brisbane, the China town here is very small...
We've got lots of Chinese grocery and butchers here. They supply fresh vegies and meat. We're so blessed!